Fur Packed Action are just one of those bands that most people just love! Between the three members of the band, they have had around 10 bands that have had some notice here locally. Now, with one of the most anticipated releases of the year, these three guys may finally get the notice they deserve outside the province.

Their odd sense of humor, combined with really talented musicians have made this my favorite local CD. As well, the addition of some Enhanced CD functions made this the most inventive local CD ever. You can find the lyrics, some panormama's, a board game, and some donkeys all in the Enhancement portion. The only downside is that people who have a Mac computer cannot view all this wondeful stuff.

It sounds as though they have turned their amplifiers down a couple notches for most songs. But, the addition of some acoustic songs, and their infamous "Fur Packed Anthem" make this a must have CD.

The members of Fur Packed Action are:
Chuck Art(Jody Rickardson)..Vocals, Guitars, Keyboards
Dude Fancy(Barry Newhook)..Drums, Vocals
Smug Bastard(Geoff Younghusband)..Bass, Vocals, Guitars

Click here to view the cover of this album.
Or click here to go see some pictures from their Enhanced CD!!

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